Tuesday, January 30, 2007

bus tour

today i discovered two buses which take me to recognizeable places. That means i can finally roam around in singapore and not get lost! i discovered a very different market today. it was on top of a hawker center. there were so many people there buying all sorts of wierd cried stuff.. from dry fuit to dried fish! yea the smell was too much for me and i wanted to jump off the second floor. But all that was forgotten when i found what i was looking for; a cheap t-shirt shop! plus the sales lady was terribly sweet. i didnt have the heart to tell her i just came to check prices!

plus i made pasta again, this time with sauted mushrooms as the chefs call it! and then i had a brownie.. seriously this place with alll its amazing stuff does not have the brownies like back home! they might have been expensive but the size was worth it. here the size is tiny and the price is more!! :(

Monday, January 29, 2007

22/08/2005--- old blog entry i rediscovered

paris, bodrum, istanbul and dubai

July 26
paris, bodrum, istanbul and dubai
i have to say i think everyone should try and take time out for summer holidays. and the more people the merrier the trip will be. i went ot paris first, paris was ..........breathtaking! it is a city which always has and continues to inspire me. just walking in paris is an inspirational experience, you discover something new everytime you walk through those streets or by the river seine. sitting under the bridge just watching the water was one of the best times i had there. and then theres the musee's de art (art museums).They are exquisite! seeing the originalvan gogh's and degas, and espeially the works of marcel duchamp and peit mondrian were stare worthy. the architecture ..oh my god, makes me want to become an architect. but the best part abt paris is how the parisians have kept the city perfectly, taking care of each and every monument, every roadside, and all the greenery. i hope other countries with rich histories would do the same. like istanbul, such a rich in historical sites city, but it was so sad to see how nobody is looking after it. the european side of turkey is beautiful and clean. the hagia sophia was well worht the amount charged for it. but the topkapi palace is such a dissapointment. it seriously needs help and ...someone to spend some money on it. and i personally would not recomment the food there..only the apple tea was delicious!!
bodrum is a dreammmmmm resort! ive never seen clearer waters orsuch perfect weather ever. the water sports are the most thrilling experience. the ringo-ride is by far the fun-est! the waters were so clear that i could see the fishes and rock way below myself. the sunshine is perfect, justwarm enough, perfect for a tan!!! live music, musical shows, turkish dancers all add upto a perfect vacation. bodrum was a dream and i do hope to go there again. but only to stay at hapimag (sea garden).
dubai is one big shopping mall. i enjoyed going to the city center everyday, eating new york fries, fujiyama food and the world famous cinnabon's!!!! wow! i just wish it wasnt so hot in dubai so one could walk on the streets. all in all i had a fabulous time, and would do it all again in a heartbeat! theres no time like vacation time to bond with your family.and at the end you realize how much ur family means to u.
thanx for reading...!!
( we'll meet again,same place, some other time)


long sunday

omg i actually forgot to blog yesterday.. spent the whole day home working and still! aaaaaaaaaaaa i hope my new idea is approved..

Friday, January 26, 2007


so today i just wanted to go out somewhere esp when our wonderful tv conked out again! and left me with a damn blue screen!!!!! so i went to pp and it was so much fun. all the sales are still there, yet today i just felt like eating and eating..! so i had yoshinoya, yup for the first time. recently i have become a person who isnt afraid of the 'new', cuz damnit.. life is too short to not enjoy! and to top off my evening i went to coffee ban , had fruit tea and awarm delicious double chocolate chip muffin...:) read few pages of the book too.


the horrors of cooking~!

ah, yes its 4 am and i just had a thought that i just had to share on my blog. well yes as the title suggest, i am speaking about the horrors of cooking. Honestly cooking freaks me out. It is soooo stressful! i mean first you go shop for the vegetables and pray you get the right ones, then you bring them home and decide what to do first. shall i cut the veges or shall i wash them first. So i wash them.. still wondering what i shud be doing next.. So then while cutting i discover that a different knife must be used to cut a tomatos and a different one for potatoes. i mean... how the heck was i supposed to know that! and then im afraid everytime..and thinking to my head. 'haniah be careful.. dont cut your finger off' which actually used to be funny some time back. But it sooo isnt funny now. well once im done with tht. i prepare myself for the shooting garlic.. which jumps out like fireworks if u put it in warm oil. so i keep the lid on standby. after which i start to look at all the spoons and cutlery i will have to wash after im done making a small 2 day meal!! :( yes so then i put all the ingredients in.. as im supposed to. After which the next stress level begins... try to not burn your food. i keep the flame on the lowest, yet it always manages to do some sort of damage to my food. So i put 10 min timers on my cell phone so i can keep checking. until the dish is done.
then i thank god its over! happiest moment of the day (trust me)
oh yea and watching friends compulsively helps too ;)

ok then.. im thinking of this right b4 sleeping cuz now i finally understand my moms stressful face as she wud ask us. So what do you want to eat tom. and we wud say, whatever u want mom. and she wud insist we told her.. because truly deciding on the food choice (and worrying abt keeping your weight in check) is indeed a HUGE decision! dunno how she did it for so long.. just dont know how!

heres to all moms! :)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

f for..


ready to jump

I haven't got much time to waste
It's time to make my way
I'm not afraid on what I'll face
But I'm afraid to stay
I'm going down my own road
And I can make it alone
I'm working, I'm fighting
I'll find a place on my own

Are you ready to jump?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

to drink or not to drink

and i did! it was really yummy even the coconut itself which i have never liked b4. its a start of a beautiful friendship :)!
sumhow im missing karachi today! :s

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007


my first game!!! re discovered at toys r us!

chinese ritual along the sidewalk

this is a form of a chinese ritual to give respect to the dead. i have often seen these around trees, parking areas, along the balcony, etc. They put some traditional agar batti as we call it in the middle which burns until it rns out.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

sip n think

as i sip my green tea i am reminded of the fact that i did something so stupid today! and somehow god knows how to make it right because the reply to the sms was too funny. our brilliant tv isnt working again!! :P and if ure wondering what happened to the funny sms.. well lets just say my advice to all of u who may read this is that please dont sms randomly.. and if its not in ur fate! it aint happenin.. no matter how hard u try.
ok so im a wierd one and my blog is even wierder! :)
im going back to sipping my green tea now...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007


it was a good sunday, finally got the shoes i desperately needed as i am sick of my white birkenstocks! i love my new bling bling silver shoes. i think silver and me just go together. also got a shirt.. but lets see if it looks ok on me or not. Ive been thinking all day and thinking all evening.. and it all started from last night's dream. frieda was with me at orchard today. i really think that silly quiz was tru. she's my soul sister! :)

aj's leaving on a jet plane

aj's farewell dinner and movie. tonight we watched the movie 'blood diamond', damn good movie. if u havent seen it you have to go and see it immediately. and rem to ask for conflict free diamonds... dunno if the term wud even be understood in pakistan. but hey.. atleast we know! then we went to BK.. for dinner. and the best was clarke quay, that place i can never get enough of. :)

goodbye aj, and i wish u the best of luck in all that u do. i shall see u in a couple of months.

Friday, January 12, 2007

im no superman!!

had the first feedback session today! and ut was a kicker.. oh yeaah! but ive got lots to figure out!... thinkkkk thinkk.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

the pajamas walk

and the middle of the week starts with a funny story! haniah was rudely awaken by a Mr Loo! lol... ok im sure he doesnt spell his name like that but it was hard to say it with a straight face... haha.. so he comes finally after almost 2 weeks to fix our television. In the meanwhile i make myself breakfast and am shattered to realize im out of chocolate milk!!! Yes that is awful for me because i love chocolate milk and i need to have it everyday. its one of the few healthy things i consume so i make sure i do. well anyway not that i cud do much since Mr Loo was there. so finally he fixes it and gives me yet another shock.. 70$ for his time, was like shit! now where do i go early in the morning (ok 10:30, but it felt really early to me). So i wear a jacket and yes i looked like an easter purple bunny! omg.. i dont believe i did that. i walkedddddd, yes walked with people stopping and looking at me! anyway i finally got to the atm, got the $$ and came back. yes... still with ppl looking and smirking at this strange mad pakistani woman.. walking around as if she's wearing CK when she's actually wearing itwaar bazaar oversized nightsuit!

well tht was my start, later on in the evening when i was utterly tired and wanted to pull my hir after idvd and imovie had together driven me up the wall. i wanted to go take a walk but how cud i it was still raining cats and dogs outside... but i tuffened up and went anyway. afterall i had to get the chocolate milk :) so i go and i cudnt decide between three 7/11's that i know of in my vicinity. and in this wonderful thinking process and walking around aimlessly i managed to get myself extremely wet! oh well! i said and decided on the close one. (which didnt seem so close anymore). I finally got to it, and bought my daily living groceries.. along with a treat for walking in the rain for myself, lots of jelly beans and a twix :D.

i think its the rainy seasin, it makes me hungrier! :(.. oh no!

still the 10th!! :)

raffles city Mall.. its called the best therapy... "retail therapy". works every time!

Tucano (laptop bag)

finalllyyyyyyyyyy finalllyyyyyyy i got the beautiful laptop bag i wanted. its slim, its silver and its... sigh beautiful!.. and according to some friends its swanky. walked an thot a lottttt abt it first but finally after all that calculating anf walking around in funaan and going into every shop with bags!.. im glad i bought it! its perfect !!! :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

imovie day....

been editing all day, but it was fun.. still need to work on more stuff for friday presentation. hope it goes well... plzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Monday, January 08, 2007


went for my walk today and on the way back discovered that a lil feline was following me around. nooo it wasnt catwoman! it was this lil kitten. she was soo adorable. what can i do.. all animals remind me of simba! and the expression she was looking at me with was very much... who the heck r u..

personality quiz.....

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007

anais anais

I wore my cape and my beautiful new shoes for the first time, which meant that I went to my dancing lesson putting on more airs than usual.

I don't understand it all. I had never been aware of that immense empty space that can only be filled by a Shadow that my mind has created, that my dreams have given a soul.

--anais nin

two me

There were always in me, two women at least,
one woman desperate and bewildered,
who felt she was drowning and another who
would leap into a scene, as upon a stage,
conceal her true emotions because they
were weaknesses, helplessness, despair,
and present to the world only a smile,
an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest.

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.

--Anais Nin

Thursday, January 04, 2007

tools of the trade.. :)

Conscientious Rejector? yahoo article worth a read

First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders, calling the war illegal. A six-year prison term could result. Preliminary hearings are set for Thursday.
By the Hot Zone Team, Tue Jan 2, 6:38 PM ET
Email Story IM Story

First Lt. Ehren Watada, a 28-year-old Hawaii native, is the first commissioned officer in the U.S. to publicly refuse deployment to
Iraq. He announced last June his decision not to deploy on the grounds the war is illegal.

Lt. Watada was based at Fort Lewis, Washington, with the Army's 3rd (Stryker) Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. He has remained on base, thus avoiding charges of desertion.

He does, however, face one count of "missing troop movement" and four counts of "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." If convicted, he faces up to six years in prison.

First Lt. Ehren Watada
Photo courtesy:
Jeff Paterson/thankyoult.org

Watada's court martial is on February 5. A pre-trial hearing is set for January 4, with an added scope of controversy: the Army has ordered two freelance journalists, Sarah Olson and Dahr Jamail, to testify against Lt. Watada at the hearing. Both journalists are fighting the subpoenas.

Kevin Sites recently spoke with Lt. Watada about the reasoning behind his decision, the controversy the decision has caused and how he is dealing with the repercussions.

Lt. Watada spoke on the phone from his family's home in Hawaii. Click here to listen to the full audio version of the conversation. A transcript of the interview follows.

KEVIN SITES: Now, you joined the Army right after the US was invading Iraq and now you're refusing to go. Some critics might look at this as somewhat disingenuous. You've taken an oath, received training but now you won't fight. Can you explain your rationale behind this?

EHREN WATADA: Sure. I think that in March of 2003 when I joined up, I, like many Americans, believed the administration when they said the threat from Iraq was imminent — that there were weapons of mass destruction all throughout Iraq; that there were stockpiles of it; and because of
Saddam Hussein's ties to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorist acts, the threat was imminent and we needed to invade that country immediately in order to neutralize that threat.

Since then I think I, as many, many Americans are realizing, that those justifications were intentionally falsified in order to fit a policy established long before 9/11 of just toppling the Saddam Hussein regime and setting up an American presence in Iraq.

visit the website for more..

if only

if u havent seen this movie you shud.

mid week shopping spree

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


for the past two days i have been reading up on saddam hussain. his death, his life, his political life.. i have not been interested in finding out more abt any dictator since that book on adolf hitler. i read it when i was fourteen. i am not in favour of killing for whatever reason, that is something i think is in Gods hands. and for a ruler to be in prison for the rest of his life and to have that power taken away wud be better punishment.. he wud have the rest of his life to think and re-think. from what i have read he was a strict but loving father, he , and this is my opinion based on what all i have read so far; was indeed a cruel and tyrrant leader but he was doing what he thot was right for his country to reach the goal he had envisioned. i think any great person cannot exist without a vision. and i think america shud really change its ways, because it is interfering with everyone.. just like once upon a time the british were everwhere and meddling into everycountry's affairs, and ultimately causing problems everywhere. basic rule be it a country or a family... dont meddle! and greed is the root of all disasters. i dont hate america but i dont ever want to go there because of what all they have done to the world. two wrongs do not make a right.

Monday, January 01, 2007

last year resolutions

from last year:

ah another blog... this one shall be a good one. the old one was rarely updated... its 2006 and life has changed.
my resolutions:

.train simba better
.give simba more treats (lol)
.get more work
.goto paris again
.do my masters... somewhere somehow...
.eat even more french fries.. lol
.try not to kill turtles... :(
.make million more illustrations... (hmm... that ill do anyway)
......... theres no end to resolutions...

Year 2007 and YES life has changed even more! :)

lets see.. first lets start with all the resolutions that came true from last year.
give simba more treats (yes)
do my masters (yes)
frenchfries... lol (yes)
excercise (yes yes)
turtles killed =0 (yes)

this years rez's coming shortly..

nye to rem

ok all 3 of us had different plans and ended up spending it together! cant imagine a better nye in singapore. it was so much fun, started with us going to esplanade and the place was closed due to shortage of space and tooooo many ppl. thus we took to the streets, yes me in my 3 inch heels!!! :) we scoured the streets for a good spot to view the fireworks and ended up infront of fullerton... sadly the fireworks started behind the fullerton! lol... everyone got to the other side in time.. so we still got to see the fireworks. from there we headed for mcdonalds! where we yes...
first food of the new year : french fries
first drink of the new year: coke light
first phonecall of the new year: daddy
first sms of the new year: daddy, and saad was second!
first dream of the new year: abt saad!!
first breakfast of the new year: mcdonalds breakfast and iced milo!
and the list will indeed go on...

then we went to a pub where there was music and customers were singing. it was fun, i got to be esmeralda lol.. and played interesting musical iunstruments... we got out and tried to look for a bus and cudnt so decided to wait for the mrt. and went for breakfast at mcd's! only to be saved by charles nd dropped home!

and the number of drunk ppl lying on the streets was insane!.. lol what strangeness!! lol... y wud someone drink if they know the result is going to be on the sidewalk with one shoe off and wet clothes !?!? cant get that..

my new year started off with a good feeling. and an unplanned one, maybe i shud stop planning for once and take a break! hahah will write my ny resoltions soon! :)

haniah over n out!