Tuesday, January 30, 2007

bus tour

today i discovered two buses which take me to recognizeable places. That means i can finally roam around in singapore and not get lost! i discovered a very different market today. it was on top of a hawker center. there were so many people there buying all sorts of wierd cried stuff.. from dry fuit to dried fish! yea the smell was too much for me and i wanted to jump off the second floor. But all that was forgotten when i found what i was looking for; a cheap t-shirt shop! plus the sales lady was terribly sweet. i didnt have the heart to tell her i just came to check prices!

plus i made pasta again, this time with sauted mushrooms as the chefs call it! and then i had a brownie.. seriously this place with alll its amazing stuff does not have the brownies like back home! they might have been expensive but the size was worth it. here the size is tiny and the price is more!! :(

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